General School Info


Absenteeism affects your child’s progress at school. If a child is not attending, parents are required to phone the school before 9 a.m. 

Breakfast Club

Morrinsville School runs a Breakfast Club where a nutritious breakfast is provided for children.  All children are welcome to participate.

First Aid & Medications

The school employs stringent policies with regards to all first aid and medical procedures.  Parents should ensure they are familiar with these guidelines – in particular the administering of medications.

Leaving School During School Hours

Parents wishing to take children out of school early or temporarily during school hours must do so through the school office.

Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches

As from Term 2 2021 our school has been a part of the Healthy School Lunch programme provided by the Government.

All children are provided with a healthy lunch every school day of the year.  These are prepared on-site by our supplier’s staff.  Lunches are eaten in the school gym.  A three week rotating menu is provided by our supplier (Te Puna Kai) in advance and displayed in ClassDojo.

The Board has deemed that the school is a ‘water only’ environment. Please note sugary drinks are not permitted at school. We encourage children to only drink water while at school.

Children are not permitted to have sweets, lollies and/or chocolate at school.  A parent may provide a small lolly treat within the morning tea lunchbox.

We also operate a back up breakfast and morning tea programme.

Travelling To & From School

The school recognises that children arrive and leave school in many different ways and that no two days are necessarily the same.

Please inform your child’s teacher or the school office if there is a change to the usual travel routines for your child – especially any changes to the end of the day and collection arrangements.

For more detailed info please click the button below.

After School Care and Holiday Programmes

Morrinsville School provides for After School Care and holiday programmes through its ChildsPlay Programme.

Dental Clinic

The Dental Therapists can be contacted via Waikids service on 0800 TALK TEETH or 0800 825 583.
The therapists work at the Community Dental Clinic located at the entrance to our school on Moorhouse Street


All children are encouraged to take library books home and each class visits the library at least once a week.  Class teachers will inform parents of the allocated time slot for library visits to ensure books are returned to school on the correct days.

Parent & Family Helpers

The school encourages families to get involved with their children and assist and support programmes and activities at school.  If you would like to offer your time to assist in school activities in any way see your class teacher. 

School Uniform

The school uniform is compulsory for ALL students. It is predominantly a unisex uniform with optional items available for parents. The school colours are navy blue and black with white included in the school logo and as an option for sock wear (see below for uniform item outline).

Lost Property

If you have any queries about lost property please speak with Miss Healey in Room 12.  Lost property is located in Room 13.  Generally, at the end of each term any unclaimed/unnamed uniform items are reserved as spares.  Non-uniform items of clothing are donated to recognised charitable organisations.


Our school is a partner school with KidsCan. KidsCan is a Charitable Trust set up to support schools and children.