Travelling To & From School

The school recognises that children arrive and leave school in many different ways and that no two days are necessarily the same.

It is vital that you inform the school office is there is a change to the usual travel routines for your child  – especially any changes to the end of the day and collection arrangements.

Such arrangements must be made by parents NOT children and the school notified in advance.  These procedures are in place so that we can exercise reasonable care for the welfare and safety of your child.  Your co-operation is essential.

Walking and/or Cycling
A number of children either walk or cycle to school – especially in the warmer months of the year.

Whilst the school cannot impose a ‘minimum age’ at which children can travel to school on their own, we would remind parents of their responsibility to ensure children have a good knowledge of road safety and rules before they allowed to walk to school independently.  We would encourage parents and caregivers to discuss a designated route with their child and suggest that younger children are accompanied with older siblings where possible.

Children who cycle to school are required to wear a helmet and walk their bike through the grounds.  For safety reasons the school recommends that young children, Y3 and below, not ride from school.  Bikes must be of a safe standard, i.e. brakes etc.  During school time all bikes are to be parked in the stands located in the internal courtyard next to the flagpole.

Whaea Tania Anderson is responsible for school buses and bus rolls.  Teachers load the afternoon buses.  Children who normally travel on an afternoon bus should report to the school office if they are not going on the bus on a particular afternoon.  No parking in bus bays from 8.30 to 9 a.m. and 2.45 to 3.15 p.m.

All cars are required to follow the ‘drop-off’ zone rules and times (sign posted).  There is strictly NO PARKING outside the gate between these hours.  Buses require the area at the front of the school to be kept clear.  Cars should also refrain from U-turns directly outside the school gate.

Please note the law requires ALL children under the age of 7 to be restrained in appropriate car seats.  The school has acquired their own seats to ensure any necessary transportation of students during school hours.

Road Patrol
To assist with road safety, patrolled school crossings are operated twice daily from 8.35 to 8.55 a.m. and 2.58 to 3.15 p.m. on Lincoln and Moorhouse Streets. These crossings are supervised by duty teachers and monitored regularly by the local police.

Please discuss with your child the importance of using these crossings when travelling to and from school.