
Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches

Our school (as from Term 2 2021) is part of the Government programme: Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches.

All children are provided with a healthy lunch every school day of the year.  These are prepared on-site by our supplier’s staff.  Lunches are eaten in the school gym.  A three week rotating menu is provided by our supplier (Te Puna Kai) in advance and is advertised on ClassDojo.

The Board has deemed that the school is a ‘water only’ environment. Please note sugary drinks are not permitted at school. We encourage children to only drink water while at school.

Children are not permitted to have sweets, lollies and/or chocolate at school.  A parent may provide a small lolly treat within the morning tea lunchbox.

We also operate a back up breakfast and morning tea programme.